The ECoFlocX process:
ECoFlocX stands for Enhanced Coagulation, Flocculation, and X for removal by lamella settling and integrated thickening.
The process is mainly used for clarification
In general it can also be used for any precipitation, e.g. partial softening/decarbonization, Fe-phosphate precipitation, lime saturation, etc.
Multi-chamber flocculation: All phases (coagulation, contact sludge, polymer mixing, flocculation) take place separately and specifically designed in their own stage
A special feature is the horizontal paddle unit in the flocculation stage, which is very advantageous from a hydraulic and process engineering point of view
Contact sludge flocculation to accelerate floc formation
Sedimentation takes place via lamella clarifier or lamella clarifier with integrated thickener
A special feature of our lamella is the crossflow at the inlet to the lamella package and the hydraulically controlled overflow at the upper end
See our References with ECoFlocX